Wednesday, July 20, 2016

When, oh When, Will we Be Connected?

The answer is still not completely clear!  

In April we heard the following from Superfast Berkshire:
  • "Temple is a too far away (more than 2km) from cabinet 9 to provide a superfast solution to properties at Temple and so needs some extra infrastructure to complete the job. Call Flow have been investigating a number of options and are currently looking to install an additional cabinet on the island to feed your properties. This is a ‘new process’ that is being piloted (although the technology is proven), has to be carried out in conjunction with BT Openreach and involves considerable work in various copper re-arrangement. This will be more costly (to Call Flow) but a much better option than say a Fixed Wireless solution providing your residents with a better quality outcome.
  • Call Flow are currently saying that this will not be in place until the summer 2016 but I think you should manage local expectations with a target date of say September, anything earlier should be considered as a bonus."
We are fast approaching September and while some progress is being made I wonder when it will result in an offering to which we can subscribe.

Here is the latest from Call Flow Solutions:

"A joint survey with Openreach and Call Flow has been completed and Openreach have scheduled in the work to install their new cabinet at Temple. Call Flow and Call Flow's contractor have carried out survey work on possible routes to connect the Temple cabinet back to Call Flow's infrastructure.  The route is not straight forward and three alternatives are being considered."

This is obviously a change from the April status as we will now be requiring the laying of a connection to our new cabinet from the one on the Henley Roundabout instead of using existing copper and some new technology.  I guess there is good news and bad in what I am reading.  Good news in that speeds might be better with a new connection and that the technology might be more reliable.  The bad news seems to be in the need for a new connection and all that implies for access rights, digging, stringing, and the like.